Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Course Handbooks

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AI  is a concept that has been around, formally, since the 1950s, when it was defined as a machine’s ability to perform a task that would’ve previously required human intelligence. This is quite a broad definition and one that has been modified over decades of research and technological advancements. When you consider assigning intelligence to a machine, such as a computer, it makes sense to start by defining the term ‘intelligence’ — especially when you want to determine if an artificial system is truly deserving of it. AI comes in different forms that have become widely available in everyday life. The smart speakers on your mantle with Alexa or Google voice assistant built-in are two great examples of AI. Other good examples are popular AI chatbots, such as ChatGPTthe new Bing Chat, and Google Bard. Artificial intelligence has the power to change the way we work, our health, how we consume media and get to work, our privacy, and more. 

Consider the impact that certain AI systems can have on the world as a whole. People can ask a voice assistant on their phones to hail rides from autonomous cars to get them to work, where they can use AI tools to be more efficient than ever before.

Why AI?

Software engineering, math, designing, and other related disciplines are totally joined in the interdisciplinary area of AI (artificial intelligence). Normal language handling, picture acknowledgment, mechanical technology, and dynamic calculations are only a couple of instances of the many purposes for AI.

AI learning can inspire students to generate ideas and solutions, fostering creativity and innovation – essential skills in today’s competitive and evolving job market. It is particularly important to not exclude AI education from underrepresented student populations.

Providing students with access to AI education can help close opportunity gaps, ensure they have the skills and knowledge to compete in the global workforce, and create a more diverse pool of talent in AI and related fields. This diversity can lead to better problem-solving, creativity and innovation in the development of AI technologies and solutions.

Job Opportunities in AI

After completing this course, students will get new job roles and advancements in the AI field. The various roles in an AI career are as follows

  • AI Analysts and Developers

  • AI Engineer and Scientist

  • AI researcher

  • AI Algorithms Expert

  • Robotics specialist

  • Military and aviation specialist

  • Maintenance and mechanical engineer

  • Surgical AI technician

Our Vision


Program Outcomes (PO)

  • PO1 Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2 Problem Analysis: Identity, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using the first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3 Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5 Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6 The Engineer and Society: Apply to reason informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7 Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9 Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11 Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

The graduates from Computer Science and Engineering programme are expected to achieve the following Programme Educational Objectives within a few years of graduation.

  • PEO1: Ability to utilise the knowledge of science, mathematics and basic engineering concepts in understanding the algorithmic principles so as to attain problem solving skills
  • PEO2: Inculcate ability in creativity, innovations and entrepreneurship and impart knowledge and skills to analyse, design, test and implement various software applications.
  • PEO3: Systematically derive a solution for complex real world engineering tasks by applying the wisdom gathered from mathematical and science fundamentals and specialisation-specific tools
  • PEO4: Ability to reach at a practical conclusion which has a support of the theory learned in basic science streams and engineering streams for identifying, designing, reporting and analysing complex situation.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

The Computer Science and Engineering programme graduates will be able to

  • PSO1: Attain the ability to design and develop hardware and software-based systems, evaluate and recognize potential risks, and provide creative solutions.
  • PSO2: Use mathematical methodologies to crack problem using suitable mathematical analysis, data structure and suitable algorithm.
  • PSO3: Grasp the software development lifecycle and methodologies of software systems and possess competent skills and knowledge of the software design process.
  • PSO4: Be familiar and have practical proficiency in a broad area of programming concepts and provide new ideas and innovations towards research.

Labs and Resources



sreeja p

head of department (i/c)


sribi m p

Assistant Professor


Aiswarya S M

Assistant Professor

M Tech

Anupama aravind p

Assistant Professor

M Tech

Dr. Nitha K P

Visiting Professor – AI&DS


Lab Faculty

khadeeja thasneem

Lab Instructor

B Tech