New start up on Electric Mobility & Electrical Vehicle Technology by 2017-2021 EEE Students
Electrical Engineers are the mainstay of every engineering activity. They power diverse spheres of activity starting from the generation of power, right down to the distribution level. Electrical Engineering has for long accommodated two disciplines – Power and Communication. Power engineers have concentrated on the infrastructural realm– power generation, transmission, distribution, equipment design (rotating & static), electrical drives, consulting, etc. Communication engineers design, control and maintain instrumentation, control, data acquisition, metering accessories among others. This domain spans aerospace, automotive, chemical, metallurgical fields. The strong emphasis on advanced mathematical tools that courses through their syllabus, lends them an acute sense of detail. This gives them strong interdisciplinary skills, cutting across several knowledge bases.
The last two decades have thrown up new varieties of opportunities like design and application of Photo-Voltaic cells, fuel cells, Energy efficient drives, wind conversion turbines, etc. Application engineers play a major role in the design of systems catering to all these areas. They work closely with all streams of engineering such as mechanical, aeronautical, chemical and electronics to address a wide range of interdisciplinary issues. The gamut of their activities is incredible. In fact, they are often the main arm of several EPC companies.
The EEE Department is dedicated to delivering competent electrical engineers to the arena of the real world. They are outfitted with core technical knowledge as well as professional skills necessary to face the challenges of the future. The committed faculty and staff are fully geared up towards this end.
The Department conducts a B.Tech course with a year take input of 30 students. Emerging electrical engineers are groomed in the fundamentals of Network Theory, Analysis, Electrical Measurements, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Instrumentation, Computer programming, Digital Electronics ,Microprocessors Linear Integrated Circuits, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessor, Micro-Controllers etc. The last few years have shown marked popularity for electives such as Biomedical Engineering, Robotics, Computer Networks, Opto–Electronics, Object-oriented programming, and Advanced Power Systems.
There is a saying that goes, ‘Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand’. The above statement underscores the importance of Industrial Visits, in the engineering curriculum. The department arranges industrial visits to reputed establishments in and around the state, with a view to integrating academic instructions and practical aspects. The students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering have visited TELK, Ankamali, KEL, Instrumentation, Palakkad, KELTRON Ltd., VSSC, Bangalore and HAL, Bangalore etc.
The graduates from Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme are expected to achieve the following Programme Educational Objectives within a few years of graduation
Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduates will be able to
No | Name | Position | Designation |
1 | Dr. Sheela S | Member | HoD EEE |
2 | Mr. Rejaneesh R | Member | Asso. Prof. EEE |
3 | Ms. Saranya K P | Member | Asst. Prof. EEE |
New start up on Electric Mobility & Electrical Vehicle Technology by 2017-2021 EEE Students
The Electrical & Electronics Department association (Blitz Krieg) conducted virtual alumni meet “REVERBERATE 2K21” on 06/06/2021 from 6PM onwards through Google meet. The virtual meet
The Electrical & Electronics Department association (Blitz Krieg) in coordination with IEDC SIMAT organized the Fifth Webinar of the ElectroBlitz Webinar series “Virtual Field Trip
The Electrical & Electronics Department association of SIMAT, (Blitz Krieg) organized Sixth Webinar of the ElectroBlitz Webinar series “International Education & Immigration Process” by Mr.
The Electrical & Electronics Department association of SIMAT, (Blitz Krieg) organized the Fourth Webinar of the ElectroBlitz Webinar series ““Electric Vehicle Control” by Ms. Haritha
EEE association – BLITZKRIEG, was inaugurated on 21stSeptember 2011 by Dr. K.K. Sasi, Professor and Vice Chair Person, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.The Chief Guest spoke on energy management, conventional and non conventional energy sources. Principal, SIMAT inaugurated BLITZKREIG website. Project exhibition, poster presentation and technical seminar were conducted.
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Prof. (Dr.) S.P. Subramanian
M.Tech., PhD
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