The Annual General Meeting of the IEEE SIMAT SB was called to order on 13 the of February 2021 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM through google meet. A total of 46 students attended the event where 41 of were IEEE volunteers. The members were welcomed by Ms. Merin Ajay (Vice Chair, WIE), followed by an address by Mrs. Sushma M (Branch Counsellor, IEEE SIMAT SB). Mr. Vishnu Prasad S (Former Chairman, IEEE SIMAT SB) presented the Annual report of 2020. He also announced the names of the members elected to the new denominations in the year to come. Mr. Anirudh S Rajeev (Chairman, IEEE SIMAT SB) presented the annual plan and the tokens of appreciation. This was trailed by the Oath taking ceremony. This was followed by an interesting talk by Mr. Saneesh P. S. (Dept Coordinator). The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Neeraja A. J. (IEEE Secretary SIMAT SB).

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